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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Caelan Lucas has arrived!

Caelan Lucas was born on Thursday, March 18th at 1:09 pm. He weighed 8 pounds and was 21 inches long!

Right after he was born.

Getting ready to leave the hospital.

After feeling sick off and on all week I made it to my scheduled induction date with no baby. We showed up at the hospital at 7:30 am and filled out lots of paperwork for about an hour. I was still only dilated to almost 4 cm and effaced about 70% so I had not changed in about a week since my last doctor's appointment. They broke my water around 8:30 am and told me to walk around and to keep track of my contractions. Within minutes of going up and down the hall walking they became 3 1/2 minutes apart on average and were getting stronger than the ones I was having before my water was broken. Luckily, I didn't have to get any labor inducing drugs like pitocin since I was doing great on my own. I walked for about 2 hours and the contractions were about 2 1/2 minutes apart and were hurting really bad so I asked for an epidural. They told me I would have to be dilated to at least 4 cm to get one. After checking me out they told me I was 7 cm and then they had to put in an IV and fill me up with some fluids before putting in the epidural. That was at least another half hour ordeal. Then, finally the guy got my epidural in after poking at me for 10 excruciating minutes while I was trying to hold still and having the worst pain I've ever felt in my life because the contractions were getting worse. It was finally in and I was numb around 12:15 pm. For some reason it was making me itch though so I was constantly itching my face, but I didn't mind too much since I was pain-free. About 20 minutes later they told me I was ready to push. After pushing for 25 minutes Caelan Lucas came into the world at 1:09 pm. I can't complain, only 4 1/2 hours in labor compared to 6 hours with Ayden :)

Getting ready to leave the hospital.

Ayden meeting his little brother for the first time.

Proud big brother.

Caelan is doing well and is a very content and easy-going baby. He's a great eater and sleeper. He gained 3 ounces in 2 days, and at his check-up on Monday they watched him nurse and checked him out and said everything looked great! Ayden is very curious about his little brother, but has been a great helper and doesn't seem to be jealous. Looking back on picures of Ayden as a newborn is like deja vu because they look so much alike, except that Ayden's hair was lighter than Caelan's hair. They both have lots of hair though!

I'm still trying to adjust to the late-night feedings, but it helps that Joel gets up to hang out with us and change diapers and grab anything I might need. I can't believe he will be 1 week old tomorrow!

4 days old!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

39 1/2 Weeks Update

I'm still pregnant! No baby yet, although I thought for sure I was in labor last Wednesday. Last Tuesday I woke up feeling really crampy and just icky all day. Tuesday night it got worse and I had so much trouble sleeping and I was having contractions. Wednesday morning I felt even worse and was nauseous and threw up a few times. Joel's mom was nice enough to watch Ayden while I rested and timed my contractions, but they never got closer than 10 minutes apart. Finally, around lunchtime I got the courage to finally eat some toast and then took a long nap. When I woke up I felt much better and wasn't having contractions anymore. It was so weird! My mom had come by that point because I thought I would be heading to the hospital soon. She spent the night and ended up taking off the next day since I was still feeling fine.

I had my 39 week appointment on Friday, but my doctor was on vacation so I had someone else. He was nice and checked me out and said I was almost 4 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I asked him if I would make it until I was induced on Thursday and he said he had no idea. He did say to not wait around to go to the hospital because it would be a fast labor. Nothing like scaring a pregnant woman who lives 40 miles from the hospital! I also asked him how big he thought the baby was at that point and his estimate was 7 1/2 pounds. Sounds good to me! It was nice knowing that that appointment was going to be my last one!

Over the weekend I ate spicy food and took some long walks. Still nothing... Then yesterday I woke up feeling really crampy again and thought "this has to be it!" Nope, it went away around lunchtime again. So I've resigned myself to the fact that my body is not able to go into labor (or stay in labor) by itself (I was induced with Ayden last time at 38 weeks). I am planning on relaxing the next few days and enjoying my free time until I'm induced early Thursday morning. My mom and sister came and picked up Ayden to go to grandpa and grandma's house for the rest of the week. He has been talking about it for the past few days and has been so excited! It looks like lots of reading, naps, and movies are in my future for the next day and a half!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Baby Update...

I had my 38 week appointment today and it went well. I am about 2 cm dilated and his head has dropped, but it isn't down as far as it should be for labor to start. My doctor scheduled me for an induction 2 weeks from today on Thursday, March 18th if he hasn't arrived on his own by then, so at least I know I won't be going over my due date! We have everything ready now and my hospital bag is packed so I guess it's just a waiting game now! Of course, since I am ready this time around he probably won't come for awhile. I'm definitely more tired these past few weeks and naps every day are a necessity. Sleeping comfortably at night doesn't exist anymore either with getting up to go to the bathroom every few hours and my hips get so sore from laying on my side. Come out Caelan, we're ready!

Last week at 37 weeks...

Ayden trying out the new BOB double jogging stroller we just got. I'm so excited to try it out outside and get back to running again!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Last of the Baby Sewing Projects...For Now...

A few last blankets I sewed. I found this John Deere fabric and thought it was so cute.

I made Ayden his own Taggie blanket.

Two different sized Taggie blankets for Caelan.

I'm putting away the sewing machine for awhile and going to relax until Caelan gets here. When things settle down again I'll probably get it back out and try to work on something a little more challenging. A friend made a beanbag chair for her daughter and was nice enough to show me the pattern she used so I may try to make one for Ayden. I also just bought a pattern for a really cute kids chair like the ones they sell at Pottery Barn Kids, but on Jo Ann's website they show it with John Deere fabric which Ayden would love.