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Saturday, September 25, 2010

6 Month Checkup

Cael had his 6 month checkup on Wednesday. He is now 27 inches tall (70th percentile) and weighs 16 lbs 6 oz. (28th percentile). He has moved up in both growth percentiles since his 4 month appointment and has gained almost 3 pounds. I compared Ayden's height and weight at 6 months with Cael's, and Cael weighs almost 3 pounds more than Ayden did at 6 months and is 3/4 inch taller. The doctor said he looks great and to start feeding him solids, which we have already been doing for a few weeks. He got a couple shots and didn't cry for the first one, and then only cried for a few seconds after the second shot. Unfortunately, they were out of flu shots so we will have to go back for that, but Ayden was able to get the flu mist. He did great with it. He held still for the nurse and didn't move or cry afterwards.

Ayden was also great during the appointment and sat in the chair and looked at books and then stood next to me when the doctor was examining Cael. The doctor told Ayden "I know I've told you this before, but you have the coolest eyes." The doctor always comments on how cool his eyes are whenever Ayden is there. He gets compliments on his eyes everywhere we go. One of the weirdest ones was when a teenage girl working at the movie theater said she could just go swimming in them. Yep, that was weird.

It was a pretty short appointment since I didn't have many questions for the doctor. I've been through it all before and it's easier then second time around :) We've started letting Cael "cry it out" and he has been doing great. It's much easier with Cael than it was with Ayden. The past few nights he has been sleeping all night long from 7:30 pm -6:00 am. YAY!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy Half-Birthday Caelan!

Cael is 6 months old today! It's hard to believe it has been 6 months since I was in the hospital giving birth to my little boy. He is still such a happy baby and smiles and laughs all the time. He loves watching Ayden and always laughs at him. Ayden loves to be goofy and try to make Cael laugh hysterically. Cael is obsessed with his jumperoo and is so happy when he is in it jumping around. He loves to be on his tummy, and if you put him on his back he immediately flips over onto his belly. He is starting to scoot around and rolls all over the place. Last week he was able to sit up by himself for the first time for about a minute, but he is much more interested in rolling around then sitting up. He is also becoming more interested in real food and tries to grab food we are eating in front of him. I think he may be getting some teeth because the past few days he has been cranky, which is very unusual for him. He doesn't take his normal long naps and is always chewing on something and drooling a lot. He is still a good sleeper and usually goes to sleep around 7 pm and wakes up around 5 am to nurse, then goes back to sleep until 7:30 am. I'm looking forward to getting rid of the 5 am feeding. He's a tummy sleeper, too. He seems to sleep better when he's on his tummy.

Sitting up!

Cael doesn't have his 6 month check-up until Wednesday, so I'm not sure how tall he is now or how much he weighs, but I think he has grown a lot in the past few months. I'll update on how that goes later.

Our little ISU fan! Go Cyclones!

First Taste of Real Food

A few weeks ago I decided to start feeding Cael a little solid food in addition to his cereal in the evening. He seemed to be getting a little bored just eating cereal. For his first taste I mashed up some avocado and gave it to him. He wasn't too sure about it and made some weird faces in addition to shuddering a few times, but he did end up eating it. The next few nights he cried when I fed it to him. After that I tried bananas (which he loved) and he has also tried sweet peas and green beans, which he also likes. Maybe after trying a few more things we will go back to avocado and try again.

What is this stuff?

I'm not too sure about this!

Ayden's 3 Year and Cael's (almost) 6 Month Professional Pics

We took the boys to get their professional pictures taken and they turned out really well. It was so hard deciding on which ones to get. These are some of my favorites...

We got a large one of this in black and white and it looks amazing :)

I love this one...typical Ayden...

Labor day Weekend

We spent Labor Day weekend at my parent's house. Both my brothers were there with their families along with my sister and her husband. It was great seeing everyone again since it had been awhile since we have all been together. My brother Greg and his family hadn't seen Cael since he was 3 weeks old around Easter. Ayden had a blast playing with all his cousins, and Joel made some amazing barbecue for us all. Ribs for lunch on Saturday and stuffed pork loin for dinner. Yummy!

Ayden in the wagon with Cassidy while Courtney pulls them.

Uncle Jeff pitching to Ayden while daddy helps him hit the ball.

The kids playing a game of softball.

Ayden showing off his soccer skills.

Joel showing Ayden his soccer skills.

Yummy stuffed pork loin Joel barbecued.

Ayden giving Madison a hug.

First Haircut!

I gave Cael his first haircut over Labor Day weekend. We had scheduled the boys to get professional pictures taken on Sunday, and Joel kept telling me he needed a haircut before pictures. He said he was starting to look like a hippy baby. Ayden didn't get his first haircut until he was 9 months old, but Cael really needed one at 5 1/2 months. My fear was that he would look too grown up, not like a baby anymore. I decided to cut it at my parent's house while everyone was there so I had lots of help and emotional support. I tried cutting Ayden's hair once, but gave up since he wouldn't sit still. Cael cried when I wet down his hair at the beginning with the spray bottle. I mainly trimmed around his ears where it was really long. It didn't take too long, and I think he still looks really cute. I'm glad we cut it before his pictures. There were a few tears, but he was really good for the most part.

Long hair ready to go bye-bye...

What are you doing to me?