My mom knitted Cael an adorable and soft blanket. She wanted a picture of him with it so we had a photo shoot. I thought he would crawl off the blanket right away, but we got some good pictures of him. I love the different blues in it. I also love all of Cael's different expressions.
Friday, January 28, 2011
When I was pregnant with Cael, I re-taught myself how to sew (I hadn't sewn anything since home ec in middle school). I made tons of blankets, nursing covers, taggie blankets, etc. Well, the next thing I wanted to make were some sleepsacks for Cael. The machine I have was one my grandma had and gave to my mom, who never used it, so she gave it to me. It is a Singer machine from the 1940's. It's in great condition and works fine, except it only has one stitch (straight stitch) and no zipper foot, which I need to make a sleepsack. I told Joel that I wanted a new sewing machine for our 8 year anniversary, which was January 4th. I found a great price on a machine that has 60 stitches, 5 different sewing feet, and was everything that I was looking for and more. I ordered it and when I got it I looked at the instruction book. It looked slightly confusing, but luckily I had it up and running in less than 10 minutes, and is much easier to use than my old Singer machine. My first project were two sleepsacks for Cael. It was my first time sewing a zipper, and it actually turned out well. Each one probably cost me about $6.00, much cheaper than the $20.00 Halo ones. I can't wait to sew more stuff. Next project: flannel pajama pants for the boys and Joel. :)
Fleece sleepsack.
10 Months Old!
Cael turned 10 months old on January 18th. In less than two months we will be celebrating his 1st birthday! It's hard to believe he is almost one, and I have no idea where the last 10 months went. He's still an awesome sleeper and a great napper. He has two bottom teeth now, and is eating chunkier food and we give him a lot of finger foods because he likes to feed himself. I am still nursing him and some days he is interested, and others he will only nurse for a few minutes at a time. Short attention span, I guess! He has started clapping and shaking his head no when we say no or shake our heads no. He is standing on his own more, but hasn't taken his first steps. He is a speed crawler though, and he cruises all over the place so I'm sure he will be walking on his own very soon. He is the happiest baby I know, and rarely gets upset unless you are trying to change his diaper or clothes, or he is hungry. He finds the littlest things entertaining and is always laughing. He loves to place peek-a-boo in the curtains and will try to hide behind them and peek out. He's curious about everything and is much more adventurous than Ayden was when he was a baby. I'm still amazed by the whole birth order thing. He definitely has the personality of the second child. We'll see what the next few months bring. I can't believe I have to start thinking about planning his birthday party soon!
Valentine's Day Shirts
I've been looking up how to sew appliques on shirts because I think there are a lot of cute things I could do, especially for holidays and it is so cheap and cute! I went on and found a lady selling applique patterns. I bought a necktie pattern for $1.00 and changed it a little by adding a heart at the top instead to make it more Valentine's Dayish. I traced the pattern onto Steam-a-Seam and then stuck it on the fabric and cut it out. I then stuck the fabric with the Steam-a-Seam attached onto the shirt where I wanted it, and then ironed the shirt (almost ruining my kitchen table in the process, but that's another story). Now, the neck-tie will stay on the shirt, but it's much cuter if you now sew around it so that it looks like it's sewn on. I sewed all around the tie with a zig-zag stitch. I think they turned out really well for my first applique project. Next, I'm going to make the boys shirts with their first initial on it, and a St. Patrick's Day shirt for each of them. So many ideas, so little time!
Cael's shirt.
Ayden's shirt.
Ayden modeling.
Cael's modeling attempt.
Fun with Tickle Monster
Santa brought the boys a cute book called Tickle Monster that comes with tickle monster gloves. It is the cutest book! While reading the book the adult wears the tickle gloves to tickle the child. Ayden is obsessed with the book and we have been reading it all the time. Cael loves to be tickled too. Ayden put on the gloves and was tickling Cael.
Folkerts Christmas
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
On Christmas Eve I always got pajamas from my grandparents so I have continued that tradition with the boys. Ayden got Dr. Suess fleece pajamas and Cael got some fleece pajamas with a polar bear on them. Ayden wrote a letter to Santa (with help) telling him that he had been a good boy. Ayden also helped set out cookies and milk for Santa and some carrots for the reindeer.
Opening his pajamas.The boys in their new pajamas.
The tree after Santa dropped off gifts for the boys.
Ayden was pretty sneaky and woke up around 3 am, found his stocking and ate a bunch of candy out of it before we heard him. We woke up and put him back to bed, but we found candy wrappers everywhere, even in his nightstand drawer. I'm surprised he was able to fall back asleep after all the sugar. Everyone got up around 7:00 and we opened presents. It was nice to be able to stay home this year and not have to travel anywhere. Joel grilled some brisket for lunch and I made some mashed potatoes and a few other side dishes. We relaxed the rest of the day.Cael after opening a present.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Wendling Christmas
We had Christmas with my side of the family the weekend before Christmas at my parent's house in Independence. My sister and both my brothers and their families were there. We usually have a somewhat light lunch and then each family makes an appetizer in the evening, and my mom makes a few different kinds of soup for everyone to eat. There is always way too much food. The kids open presents in the afternoon and in the evening the adults play the card game 31. We each put in a $25.00 gift card. Whoever loses first picks the a giftcard, then the next person can either steal the first person's card or pick a different giftcard, and so on until someone wins. We started doing this last year and it is really fun. We don't all get to get together often so it is good to see everyone. Cael and Ayden are the youngest kids, but Ayden loves to play with his cousins and they are really great with him even though they are older. Mitch (14) is the only other boy cousin and Ayden loves to hang out with him. Courtney (13), Madison (10), and Cassidy (9) are the girls and they are really good with the boys, too. The boys received lots of attention from everyone, and we were asked many times if Cael is always as happy and smiley as he was that weekend. Yes he is, and we get asked that a lot.
My younger sister is a teacher in Bettendorf and she stayed at my parents for quite awhile during her break from school. The boys and I also stayed for about a week off and on to visit within the two weeks around Christmas. It was nice to get to hang out with my sister since we don't get to see each other much. We also went shopping and out to lunch one day while my parents watched the boys. I had a hair appointment later in the afternoon so it was a fun and relaxing day.
My younger sister is a teacher in Bettendorf and she stayed at my parents for quite awhile during her break from school. The boys and I also stayed for about a week off and on to visit within the two weeks around Christmas. It was nice to get to hang out with my sister since we don't get to see each other much. We also went shopping and out to lunch one day while my parents watched the boys. I had a hair appointment later in the afternoon so it was a fun and relaxing day.
Mitch had a complex about getting his picture taken. I can't believe my 14 year old nephew now has a mustache and isn't a kid anymore!

Happy boy :)
Sitting with Aunt Cheryl.
Opening his pile of presents.
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