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Friday, May 21, 2010

2 Months Old

Caelan turned 2 months old on Tuesday, May 18th. He also had his 2 month checkup that afternoon. He weighed 11 lbs 5 oz (about 40th percentile) and was 23 inches tall (about 55th percentile). I thought his weight was pretty good considering he spits up a lot just like Ayden did. I told his doctor I even tried cutting out dairy to see if it would make it any better, but he said it rarely helps. Some babies just spit up most of the time, and it starts to slowly get better after they become 4 months old. I'm so happy I can drink milk again. That was really hard to cut out of my diet!

Cael is a happy baby and coos and smiles a lot. He started smiling when he was 5 weeks old and most of the time he will smile when I talk to him. Luckily, he usually only cries when he's hungry or tired. He still hates getting in his car seat and screams when you put him in it until it starts moving. He loves to nap in his swing and sleeps in his crib at night now. He has been waking up about once a night sometimes twice if he falls asleep by 8:00 pm. He is also getting good at putting himself to sleep if I put him in his crib and he wakes up after I put him down. Last week he laughed for the first time at 8 weeks old! He loves the ceiling fan and was looking at it and laughed :) He is very observant and alert too. I took both boys to the grocery store the other day and he was awake and looked around at everything the entire time. Ayden is constantly kissing his head and wants to know where Cael is at if he isn't in the same room as Ayden. I still can't believe he has never had a jealous episode yet! He loves his baby brother! I can't believe it's been 2 months since he was born. They grow so fast!

2 months old and happy!

Sesame Street Live

We took Ayden to see Sesame Street Live last Friday, and my mom came to our house and watched Cael. We ended up keeping it a secret from Ayden until that morning because he would have asked us constantly when we were going to go if we would have told him any earlier. I think he liked having mommy and daddy all to himself too :) On the way to Des Moines he kept saying he wanted to see Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, etc. Ayden really liked it. There were lots of different songs and dancing which he loved. The dancers were very talented! During the first half of the show he was so serious and watched without smiling, clapping or dancing. The second half he really got into it and was dancing to the songs and clapping afterwards. It was a lot of fun!

Showing off the new Sesame Street shirt I had gotten him for the show.

One of the fun hip-hop dance numbers.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Many Expressions of Cael...

Yesterday, I was taking some pictures of Cael because he was giving me lots of big smiles. I love the other pictures I got of different expressions he was making. It's funny that all these pictures were taken in a time period of a few minutes. I love all his different expressions!

My Boys :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

My Curly Boy!

It looks like Cael may have inherited my curly hair :) If I don't comb it down straight after his bath this is what it looks like...

What a cutie!

This is what it looks like the next day after sleeping on it...