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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

5 months old!

Cael turned 5 months old last Wednesday! Hard to believe that each month goes faster than the one before it. He's such a happy baby and very content. He loves Ayden and keeps his eyes on him at all times. I know he really wants to be able to keep up with him because he is such a mover. He loves to be on his tummy now, and if you put him on his back he flips over onto his tummy right away. He's always rolling around and I usually find that he has rolled and wiggled around from where I originally put him. His favorite thing to do is jump in his jumperoo. When we first moved that kept him entertained while I packed and unpacked things. He jumped so much he got a blister on both of his big toes. Poor guy... He also likes to go on walks in the stroller, and being carried around in the Baby Bjorn. The past few weeks he has decided he wants to sleep on his tummy, which made me nervous at first, but he actually sleeps better on his tummy than on his back. He's slept all night long on his tummy a few times. Cael has been going to sleep between 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm, wakes up around 4:30 am to eat and goes back to sleep until around 7:00 am. He loves eating his cereal in the morning and evening. He's branched out from just rice to barley and oatmeal too.

Cael would still rather chew and suck on his hands instead of toys, but he does very good at grabbing toys and holding onto them. He also likes to play in the excersaucer thing we have too. He still spits up a lot, but hopefully it will slowly improve as he gets older. I think he will love to eat solids at 6 months since he does so well gobbling up his cereal.

I love how happy and content Cael is. He doesn't require constant attention, and he is starting to be able to put himself back to sleep on his own when he wakes up during the night and during naps. What I love most is that he has the best laugh and smile, and luckily he shows them to us very often! :)

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