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Friday, July 23, 2010

4 Months Old!

4 months old!

Cael turned 4 months old on Sunday. Each month seems to go by faster and faster. He had his four month checkup this morning and did great. He got two shots and some liquid stuff in the mouth. He weighed 13 pounds, 6 ounces and was 25 1/4 inches tall. I think they said he was in the 18th percentile for weight and 50th for height. I don't pay much attention to the percentiles since breastfed babies generally weigh less than the formula babies. At least he was about 1 1/2 pounds and 1/2 inch bigger than Ayden at 4 months. Cael has become much more social and loves to watch what's going on around him. He doesn't want to miss out on anything. He is so happy and smiley, and coos and gurgles a lot. I love how he can be fussy one minute and if I go talk to him and smile he gives me a great big smile back :) He can go longer periods of time between nursing sessions, which is nice for me! He has started to go to sleep earlier at night (around 7 pm) and sleeps until 7-8 am. Most nights he will get up once, but in the past week there were a few nights he got up 2-3 times. I'm not used to that! He has been drooling a ton and his hands are always in his mouth. I think some teeth will be here soon. A few days after he turned 3 months old we went to get him in the middle of the night when he was crying and found him on his tummy, and he was swaddled. Somehow he rolled over, so we had to stop swaddling him since he can roll over both ways. I thought we were in for many sleepless nights ahead, but we put him in a sleep sack and he seemed to enjoy having his hands and arms loose. He still slept great. In the daytime he still wants to be swaddled though so he ends up napping in his swing. We are going to start working on napping in the crib, unswaddled, of course, very soon! Cael also had his longest night of sleeping ever....12 hours! He slept one night from 6:30pm-6:30am!

Cael loves to watch Ayden and he is always paying attention to what his big brother is doing. Ayden also can get him to laugh when we can't! Ayden also adores Cael and gives him lots of kisses and "pets" him on the head. He loves to play with him and hang out with him on the floor. I love that they get along so well. Ayden always wants to know where baby Cael is if he can't see him, and he makes sure Cael is coming along with us wherever we go.

Cael loves to play on the floor under the baby gym and grab and bat at all the toys hanging off of it. He's getting better at tummy time and likes to hang out in the jumperoo. He especially likes to be held or walked around so he can look at everything. He is very observant.

It's hard to get a picture of him anymore without his hands in his mouth!

Cael loves chewing and playing with Freddy the Firefly.

Playing in the jumperoo!

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