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Friday, January 28, 2011

10 Months Old!

Cael turned 10 months old on January 18th. In less than two months we will be celebrating his 1st birthday! It's hard to believe he is almost one, and I have no idea where the last 10 months went. He's still an awesome sleeper and a great napper. He has two bottom teeth now, and is eating chunkier food and we give him a lot of finger foods because he likes to feed himself. I am still nursing him and some days he is interested, and others he will only nurse for a few minutes at a time. Short attention span, I guess! He has started clapping and shaking his head no when we say no or shake our heads no. He is standing on his own more, but hasn't taken his first steps. He is a speed crawler though, and he cruises all over the place so I'm sure he will be walking on his own very soon. He is the happiest baby I know, and rarely gets upset unless you are trying to change his diaper or clothes, or he is hungry. He finds the littlest things entertaining and is always laughing. He loves to place peek-a-boo in the curtains and will try to hide behind them and peek out. He's curious about everything and is much more adventurous than Ayden was when he was a baby. I'm still amazed by the whole birth order thing. He definitely has the personality of the second child. We'll see what the next few months bring. I can't believe I have to start thinking about planning his birthday party soon!

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